

I Thought I Was Over This

The journey to self-awareness and healing is not for the faint of heart.

Just when some new insight leaves you convinced you’ve got everything figured out…BAM! Life hits you over the head, and you feel like you’re back at square one — tragedy, loss, and traumas big and small are all part of our collective human experience that can send us spiraling. However, you don’t need to be alone.

I Thought I Was Over This is a podcast hosted by Dr. Kimber sharing stories of resilience and overcoming, and offering practical advice for how to find help and hope when mental health and relief seem out of reach.

You'll find several types of episodes: different series such as Sleep (where we get into stories and content), Pause (where we put into practice training our minds and connecting with our body), and Bonus (including guest interviews, insight into college life from a college student, and more).

Tune in to find connection, insight, and make friends with the times in life when you feel like you’ve just made it off the proverbial Titanic and are in the ocean asking: “Now what? I don’t know what to do.”


"What a lovely voice and journey in this podcast."


“Thank you for being real, vulnerable and willing to share your struggles & weaknesses."

Check out the most recent episode: