Pause: Quiet Your Harsh Judge: Embracing Presence and Self-Compassion for Emotional Well-Being [Pause 48]

Welcome to I Thought I Was Over This, the podcast where we explore ways to navigate life's challenges and find inner peace. In this episode, Dr. Kimber shares the keys to unlocking a more present and compassionate self. From regulating emotions to embracing pain and joy, she guides you through mindfulness exercises that awaken the senses. Discover the art of affirming your aliveness, paying attention to your breath, and celebrating your sacred presence.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  1. Regulating Emotions and Practicing Self-Compassion: Dr. Kimber emphasizes the importance of regulating emotions and practicing self-compassion to be fully present and not in a fight or flight response.

  2. Acknowledging Pain and Loss: Listeners are encouraged to bring their pain points, losses, and grief into conversation. Dr. Kimber highlights the significance of acknowledging and holding space for both joy and disappointment, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion.

  3. Mindfulness and Presence: Dr. Kimber guides listeners through various mindfulness exercises, such as noticing their safety, sounds, smells, taste, body temperature, and visual surroundings, to help them become more present and aware of their surroundings. Additionally, she encourages listeners to affirm their aliveness and worth, pay attention to their breath, and physically move to acknowledge their presence.

Key moments:

  • [01:16 - 05:00] Guided Practice: Dr. Kimber guides listeners through noticing their safety, sounds, smells, taste, body temperature, and visual surroundings to help them become more present and aware of their surroundings.

  • [05:01 - 07:30] Affirmations and Breath: Listeners are encouraged to affirm their aliveness and worth, pay attention to their breath, make sounds on exhalation, place their hand on their chest, and notice where in their body they feel present in the moment.

  • [07:31 - 10:00] Kindness and Reflection: Dr. Kimber encourages listeners to be kind to themselves and notice the positive impact of taking time to reset and be intentional. She urges the audience to reflect on both the positive and negative aspects of their lives, acknowledging and holding space for both joy and disappointment.

  • [10:01 - 12:00] Acknowledging Presence: Dr. Kimber invites the audience to physically move and acknowledge their presence, reminding them that they are a sacred being who matters.

This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy.

If interested in receiving Dr. Kimber’s newsletter, A Moment of Pause, you can sign up here.

Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.


Pause: A 2023 Review Using Feelings and Cognitive Beliefs [Pause 49]


Pause: Sacred Self-Care: Grounding Practice for Overcoming Stress and Anxieties [Pause 47]